By Commissioning Blue you acknowledge the following: Glossary
  • Blue – The person completing the artwork.
  • Client – The person paying money in exchange for goods.
  • Commission(s) – The work to be delivered.

Commission Guidelines

All projects will have a guaranteed initial sketch/mockup. Blue will not make original art for the following commission requests:
  • Video Editing
  • Motion Graphics
  • Social Media Packages
    • Inclusive of Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
Art Assets for the mentioned commissions above will be provided by the Client. Original Art can be done but it will reflect in the commission price. Blue will not create:
  • NSFW Original Art
  • Mecha Original Art
  • Furry or Animal Original Art
  • Non-Human Original Art

Client Rights

The Client may edit or modify any final commission piece that has been delivered however:
  • The client will be required to inform Blue of the changes made.
  • Will still credit Blue as the original artist.
  • Will have to mention in a caption/description that the commission has been edited and is not the original commission.


Blue currently resides in the GMT+5 Istanbul/Turkey Time zone Blue works on commissions outside of her day job. You may contact Blue at any time, but do not expect any replies unless it is in the described times above.
  • Replies to short questions can be expected from 09:00 – 19:00 GMT+5
Inquiries, concerns, and comments that require lengthy replies or discussion will be done through meetings planned in advance with a calendar event that both parties have agreed to. Prompt replies can be expected through Discord via chat, or Instagram via DMs. You may also email Blue on bluefrayx@gmail.com If Blue does not receive communication back from a client for over 6 months, their commission and funds are forfeited and no commission will be delivered. Blue will make 3 attempts at communication over this time.
  • If Blue receives nothing back, Blue will be absolved from the work and the client may not request a refund.

When working with Teams

The main paying Client will be in charge of finalizing any work changes. When working in tandem with other producers/creators/artists
  • Any approvals will go through the main paying Client first.
Work requests will be done through the main paying Client.

Refusal of Service / Refunding

Blue has the right to cancel and refund commissions, Blue will message Clients first. Blue has the right to reject a commission at any point of the project. Refunds will be done accordingly.


You MUST credit and link back to Blue.
  • Using https://bluefray.design when possible.


The Delivery of the Final Product will take an adjusted amount of time and will vary depending on the complexity of the project. Blue has the right to delay an order due to emergency situations.*** Blue will not be releasing any of the Project Raw Files, unless paid for at an extra fee. All files that are delivered will be deleted from any of his personal online drives after a month. Rushed orders are possible but will incur an extra fee.

Copyright / Usage Policy

Unless discussed otherwise, Blue has the right to use any part of the project for his portfolio. If there are any reasons as to why Blue may have to delay posting onto a portfolio or Social Media, you are required to let Blue know ahead of time.

Pricing and Payment

The discussion of pricing will be done in private and the price will change depending on the situation. Especially if it is for Commercial Use (published work). Projects that are more complex in nature (which will be discussed) are subject to 2 different forms of payment, either a milestone system or a 25% down payment before Blue starts the project.
  • Prices will be in USD.
  • All payments will go through PayPal
  • Blue will be providing a PayPal invoice once everything is agreed between Client and Blue.
  • Price can be increased depending on the difficulty of said commission.
Any project price in excess of 100USD may be subject to a milestone system of payment.
  • The description and definition of milestones during a commission will be discussed and approved by both parties.
If a client has filed a chargeback to Blue especially without any communication done beforehand. The client will be forbidden to commission Blue again, and the client’s name will be made public to warn other artists.

Personal Use

The Client may not use the commission for any commercial purposes It is defined as the following:
  • Non-commercial use of the Media for display on personal websites and computers,
  • Making image prints or video copies for personal use.
  • The Media may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration.
Title and ownership, and all rights now and in the future, of and for the commission remain exclusively with Blue.

Commercial Use and Licensing

Commercial Use is defined by the following:
  • Any reproduction or purpose that is marketed, promoted, or sold and incorporates a financial transaction.
  • e.g. Videos used as commercials, or for advertising.
  • Any Content Creator that is Partnered or Verified will be subject to royalty fees.
    • If the Client has an existing payment scheme, discussions will take place.
    • If the Client does not have an existing payment scheme, Blue will discuss the terms and conditions.
  • Attribution and linking back to Blue are not required. (Much appreciated though!)
Commissioned work that will be included in commercial use will be subject to the following:
  • A formal contract will be made to protect my rights as a contributing artist and ownership.
  • Twitch and YouTube based commissions will be adjusted according to the overall profile of the client.
  • An increase of price for the commission.


Once the first draft has been approved, major revisions and last-minute changes will be subject to an extra charge. Averaging from $2 to $10, this only includes small revisions and edits. A total of 2 revisions will be available before additional charges.

Customer Satisfaction and Feedback

There are no refunds on completed work. A feedback request may be passed onto the Client Any comments made may be used in future testimonials to be seen for future clients.

The Terms of Service can be changed overtime and be discussed with Blue prior to commission.